Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to update the Period status to Future-Enterable , can not see new peiords on the open/.close form

Issue: Not able to view future enterable periods.when a user opens the perior period (eg Dec11) before we defined the next year calendar when you open the period users will not be able to see the future entereable periods. i.e We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.

1.Make sure that the periods are setup for the next 2years.
2. Query the Set of books setups  and make a note of the number of future periods.
3. When you open the next period it will automatically mark any future periods as future enterable to the number of periods given in gl_sets_of_books Future_Enterable_Limit. 
If you didn't set up next years calendar before opening the last period of this year there is no mechanism in applications to open this. It will have to be done using sql

11i Fix:
1) Obtain SET_OF_BOOKS_ID and number of future enterable periods from GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS as follows:
select set_of_books_id, future_enterable_periods_limit, latest_opened_period_name
from gl_sets_of_books
where name = '&setofbookname'

a. make sure you have future_enterable_periods_limit greater than zero if not stop.
b. make sure that the latest open period name is still in the current year if not stop

2) select closing_status,period_name
from gl_period_statuses
where closing_status = 'N'
and set_of_books_id = &set_of_books_Id
and application_id=101;

a. Make sure the status is 'N' do not change it if its not 'N' or you will get corruptions

3) Update Period status to Future-Enterable as follows:
update gl_period_statuses
set closing_status = 'F'
where period_name = '&PERIOD_NAME' - period name you wish to update
and application_id = 101
and set_of_books_id = &set_of_books_Id
and closing_status = 'N';

R12 Fix:
a) Obtain LEDGER_ID from GL_LEDGERS as follows:
  SELECT ledger_id, name  FROM gl_ledgers
  WHERE name like '%bookname%';

b) Make sure the status is 'N' do not change it if its not 'N' or you will get corruptions.
select closing_status, period_name
from gl_period_statuses
where closing_status = 'N'
and ledger_id = &ledgeridabove
and application_id=101;
c) Update Period status to Future-Enterable as follows:
UPDATE gl_period_statuses
SET closing_status = 'F'
WHERE period_name = '&PERIOD_NAME_you_wish_to_update'
AND application_id = 101
AND ledger_id = &ledgeridabove
AND closing_status = 'N';
 Refereces Mysupport:
1.Note# 135433.1-General Ledger FAQ for Open/Close Period